Paradoxes of Cuca gastronomy (Kuchen): the emptying of traditional food at the service of the invention of a European identity in the Middle Itajaí Valley




Cuca, Kuchen, traditional food, germanic immigration, Middle Itajaí Valley


Context: This article aims to understand the phenomenon of Cuca's (Kuchen) gastronomization contextualized concerning the creation of a Europeanized identity for advertising and tourist purposes in the Middle Itajaí Valley (micro-region located in southern Brazil). Cuca (Kuchen) is an ethnic food that preserves traditions and identity importance to both rural and urban communities. Methodology: For this, a combination of different methodological resources was used: Ethnography, with interviews with eight residents of this micro-region and participant observation; documentary and bibliographic research. Results:  It is concluded that when it is removed from the domestic sphere, the Cuca (kuchen) the tourist attraction is raised through a process understood as being the gastronomy. By applying advertising varnish with tourist ideals, the traditions impelled to this food considered emblematic to the descendants of Germanic immigrants, although not only to these. Especially when the peasants are disregarded in these processes as members of the traditional food system of this territory.


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Author Biographies

Daniela Matthes, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Master in Regional Development by FURB. She is currently a doctoral student in the Graduate Program in Regional Development at the Regional University of Blumenau Foundation (FURB).
Rua Antônio da Veiga, 140, room R-310, CEP: 89030-903, Blumenau (SC)

Maiko Rafael Spiess, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Graduated in Social Sciences from the Regional University of Blumenau (2007). He holds a Master's (2010) and PhD (2014) in Scientific and Technological Policy from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). He did an internship as a visiting researcher (sandwich doctorate) at the Department of the History of Science, Harvard University, from 09/2012 to 08/2013. He is a permanent professor at the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, permanent professor at the Graduate Program in Regional Development (PPGDR) and coordinating member of the Nucleus of Technoscience Studies at the Regional University of Blumenau (FURB). Collaborating Professor in the Professional Master's Degree in Technology and Environment, at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina, Araquari campus. He is currently studying the Specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at PUC Minas. His research areas include: Sociology of Knowledge, Sociology of Science and Technology, S&T Policy, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Society, Public Policy, Regional Development, Disasters and Food in contemporary societies. He also acts as an instructional designer of didactic materials for distance learning (EAD) in the Division of Teaching Modalities (DME) of the Regional University of Blumenau.

Marcos Antônio Mattedi, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

He holds a degree in Social Sciences from the Regional University of Blumenau (1991), a Master's degree in Political Sociology from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1994), and a PhD in Social Sciences from the State University of Campinas (1999) and post-doctoral internship at the Center de Sociologie de L´innovation - ENMP/Paris (2003). He directs the Research Group Núcleo de Estudos da Tecnociência-NET since 2006 and is currently coordinator and full professor of the Graduate Program in Regional Development at the Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau. He has experience in Sociology, with an emphasis on sociology of scientific knowledge, working mainly on the following topics: science and technology, regional development, sociology, environmental impacts, disasters, environment and environmental perception. He is currently researching the processes of formation and dissolution of sociotechnical networks. Technoscience Studies Nucleus website: Hotsite with publications on covid-19:


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How to Cite

Matthes, D., Spiess, M., & Mattedi, M. (2023). Paradoxes of Cuca gastronomy (Kuchen): the emptying of traditional food at the service of the invention of a European identity in the Middle Itajaí Valley. Estrabão, 4(1), 43–56.


