Geography and Music: Connections, Auditions, and Possibilities in Geography Education




Geography, Music, Conections, Teaching learning


Context: This experience report is an integral part of the activities of the project "Geography and Music: connections, listening, and possibilities in Geography teaching," which seeks to connect artistic musical language and phenomena that occur in geographical space, with the aim of exploring these relationships in a didactic scope through workshops with Geography teachers and students from basic education and Geography courses at UFSM. Methodology: This article will present an initial systematization of the possibilities of connection between the two areas, as well as the results of the first discussion with teachers through a Round Table, contributing to the development of attractive and diversified teaching-learning strategies that enhance students' cultural education and aid in the comprehension of the content. Considerations: The connection between artistic musical language and geography enriches the teaching of geography, allowing for a more dynamic and engaging approach for students. The realization of workshops and discussions with teachers and students contributes to the construction of innovative pedagogical strategies that value the cultural education of those involved and facilitate the understanding of geographical content


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Author Biographies

Lucca Klipel Ferreira, Federal University of Santa Maria

Acadêmico de Geografia, Bolsista Prolicen – UFSM

Eduardo Schiavone Cardoso, Federal University of Santa Maria

Prof. Titular – Depto. de Geociências / PPGGEO – UFSM


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How to Cite

Ferreira, L., & Cardoso, E. (2023). Geography and Music: Connections, Auditions, and Possibilities in Geography Education. Estrabão, 4(1), 362–365.



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