Didactic proposal and Teaching Geography
The landscape concept through the city of Silva Jardim-RJ
Geography Teaching, City, Didactic Proposal, Silva JardimAbstract
Context: The teaching of content focused on thinking about the city from the concept of landscape contributes to Geography in working with students' socio-spatial practices so that they can mobilize their knowledge and contextualize what they are learning in school from meaningful learning. Thus, the aim of this text is to analyze the importance of the landscape discussion for the teaching of Geography from the didactic proposal about Silva Jardim-RJ for 6th-grade classes of the final years of elementary school. Methodology: Based on action-research, which is a dynamic and active methodology, as the subjects are in the process of action, construction, production. Thus, the development of the research is articulated in four parts: a) presentation and activity performed by students; b) presentation of the landscape discussion; c) analysis of the landscape of the city of Silva Jardim and d) making of the model. Considerations: From this we can conclude that the students learned new concepts and content about the city and the landscape, since they answered and participated in the proposed activities and we were able to understand the progress in the interpretation and analysis of the concepts worked on.
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