The challenges of teaching Geography in pandemic times
Ananalysis of the practices of observation and teaching internships
pedagogical letters, Geography teaching, internship report., remote teachingAbstract
Context: This article reflects on and problematizes the importance of the role of the geography teacher in the classroom, considering the context of emergency remote teaching. The reflective analysis is based on records produced during observation and teaching stages, including pedagogical letters written in pre-internship disciplines in Elementary and High School, as well as the report of Supervised Curricular Internship in High School. These records were developed in public schools in the cities of Pelotas and Rio Grande-RS. Methodology: Qualitative approach was used in the appreciation of the records, allowing to show the authors' reflections - at the time, internship students - on the role of the geography teacher. The analysis revealed that emergency remote teaching highlighted the importance of the geography teacher in the classroom, both in combating dropout rates and in the teaching-learning process, as well as highlighting the study of geography for the critical and citizen formation of individuals. Considerations: The study emphasizes the relevance of the geography teacher in the context of emergency remote teaching, demonstrating their importance both for the continuity of education and for the formation of students as critical citizens. The analyzed records provide valuable insights into the role of the teacher and the importance of studying geography in education.
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