Practicing geography with projects: An experience in the mandatory Geography internship in high school
Projects, Industry Geography, Internship in Secondary EducationAbstract
Context: In this article, we present the activities carried out during the Geography Teaching Internship of the Distance Learning Geography Degree Course, Litoral Norte Campus, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, in 2022. The Internship was conducted with a 2nd year evening class from a public school located in the municipality of Capitão/RS, adopting projects as a teaching methodology. Methodology: The project "The Geography of Industries" explored the conceptualization, origin, locational factors, importance and impact on the environment, classification, and organization of the industry, promoting research, sharing knowledge, and contextualizing the studies conducted. After the stages of awareness, problematization, and didactic sequence, the students created the final product by recording a video in which they presented a news report about the industries in the municipality, correlating them with the content studied; the video was shared for dissemination. Considerations: Through the activities, the students were able to share their experiences in the daily life of the industry, valuing their own work and recognizing themselves as an important part of this context. This training stage allowed contact with the school environment and reflection on the role of the teacher in Basic Education. The positive result obtained from the completion of the Internship shows that the Project methodology is an effective pedagogical practice at all stages of education.
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