The Inclusive Education and the construction of geographical thinking by deaf, blind, and students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Challenges for teaching practice
Ensino de Geografia, Inclusão Escolar, Formação de professores.Abstract
Context: This paper focuses on Geography education and educational inclusion, as well as the challenges and possibilities that teachers face in the face of school diversity. Methodology: Thus, we aim to present elements to develop pedagogical work that meets the needs of all students, such as the deaf, blind, and those with ASD. In summary, the purpose of this work is, first and foremost, to highlight the specificities and elements that permeate the school inclusion of the mentioned students, as well as to emphasize important points for considering the approach to Geography classes. In methodological terms, it is an investigation into the state of knowledge, with the central debate being Geography education and its interfaces with school inclusion. Considerations: This study offers valuable insights into the importance of inclusive Geography education, addressing the needs of different students and the challenges faced by educators. By considering the specificities of each student, it is possible to promote a more egalitarian and effective learning environment.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Enoque Gomes de Morais, Carina Alexandrino da Silva Oliveira , Josiane Silva de Oliveira
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