Playing in EJA, is that possible? The ludic as a mechanism for geographical literacy and inclusion in the teaching of young people and adults in Recife




EJA, Geography Teaching, Ludic


Context: This study refers to a pedagogical intervention carried out in classes of the Youth and Adult Education - EJA - Final Years modality, at the São Cristóvão Full-Time Municipal School, located in the outskirts of the northern zone of Recife-PE. The overall objective was to provide meaningful learning for EJA students about the layers of the Earth, through play and ludic activities. Methodology: The adopted methodology was based on a collaborative approach, using procedures such as dialogic expository lessons, short video presentations, the virtual game from the wordwall digital platform, coloring drawings, building a globe with modeling clay, discovering the behavior of the Earth's layers through cutting the globe, and group discussions. Considerations: The achieved results include student engagement, contextualized understanding of the content, the inclusion of illiterate and autistic students in the teaching-learning process, and teachers' reflection on using play and ludic activities in teaching. It is concluded that playfulness reveals that learning can be fun, regardless of age or stage/modality of education, enabling the construction of meaningful inclusive learning experiences.


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Author Biography

Janiara Almeida Pinheiro Lima, Secretaria de Educação do Recife

Mestre em Geografia pela UFPE. Atualmente é professora efetiva da Secretaria de Educação do Recife, atuando como professora efetiva de Geografia do Ensino Fundamental - Anos Finais e na EJA -   Anos Finais, na Escola Municipal de Tempo Integral São Cristóvão/ Pesquisadora do grupo GEOCONCEITO - UFPE e Integrante do laboratório LEGEP-UFPE.


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How to Cite

Lima, J. (2023). Playing in EJA, is that possible? The ludic as a mechanism for geographical literacy and inclusion in the teaching of young people and adults in Recife. Estrabão, 4(1), 466–474.



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