The importance of the city theme in geography classes: Some reflections and approaches
city, geography teaching, geography teachersAbstract
Context: The city as a school subject can bring diverse and essential topics for the life and civic education of students into discussion. Thinking about how to teach the city enables teachers and students to reconstruct their own spatiality, becoming aware of the social and physical aspects that are specific to the city they live in. Methodology: We adopted a qualitative approach in our research, as we intend to deepen the discussions about teaching the theme of the city and its contribution to students' civic education, as well as the importance of the teacher in mediating this content. The literature review on the topic relied on key authors in Geography education, namely: Callai (2003, 2005, 2006), Kaercher (2000, 2016) with a focus on Cavalcanti (2002, 2008, 2012, 2019) who has extensive research on these issues. Considerations: By bringing this theme to the center of the discussion, it is expected to provoke self-reflection that leads us to think about whether we have been concerned with discussing topics that value students' experiences and daily lives. The pursuit of meaningful teaching should be at the core of our practice because it is increasingly necessary to rethink how Geography education and its teachers are meeting the demands of a constantly changing society.
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