Teaching Geography and the use of photography for appropriation of the concept of place in the state education network in Brusque - Santa Catarina





Teaching Geography, Photography, place


Context: This article investigates the use of photography as a pedagogical resource in teaching Geography for the appropriation of the concept of place by 2nd year high school students in the state network of Brusque - Santa Catarina.  Methodology: The qualitative research used the collection of photographs taken by students during classroom and field activities. The photographs were analyzed to identify significant elements in the representation of places, through the students' descriptions. Considerations: The use of photography aroused the students' interest and stimulated their sensitive and critical perception of places. The activities promoted greater identification and appreciation of local spaces, expanding the understanding of the concept of place and strengthening the emotional connection with the city they inhabit. Photography proved to be an innovative and effective pedagogical tool for teaching Geography, providing a more engaging and contextualized learning experience. Visual and technological resources can enrich geographical education, making it more sensitive, critical, and participatory. The study contributes to theoretical formulations on the use of photography in the school context and its relationship with the concept of place, suggesting more meaningful and aligned pedagogical practices with the students' reality.


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Author Biography

Ícaro Borges Gomes, State Education Secretary

Professor da rede estadual de educação do estado de Santa Catarina. Discente do Mestrado em Ensino de Geografia em Rede Nacional - PROFGEO - Instituto Federal Catarinense.


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How to Cite

Gomes, Ícaro. (2023). Teaching Geography and the use of photography for appropriation of the concept of place in the state education network in Brusque - Santa Catarina. Estrabão, 4(1), 456–467. https://doi.org/10.53455/re.v4i1.185



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