The influence of the Educational Development Program at the State University of Londrina (2007-2015) on the continued training of Geography teachers
Educational Development Program, Continuing training, Geography.Abstract
Context: In the article "Teaching Practices in Basic Geography Education in Londrina/PR: a case study", the authors reflected on the reasons that influence the gap between school Geography and academic Geography, as observed in their internship experiences in 2015. Based on the identification of this gap, the purpose of this article is to investigate the implications of the Educational Development Program (PDE) at the State University of Londrina (UEL), until 2015, as a means to bridge the gap between teaching practices in School Geography and Academic Geography. Methodology: Documents from the State Department of Education/SEED Paraná were consulted, and Geography teachers who participated in the UEL PDE were interviewed using structured scripts. Results: Although the PDE will be discontinued in 2023, it was found that the UEL PDE (2007-2015) was one possible way to lessen the distance between academic Geography and school Geography. However, the program needs to allow the participation of Level I teachers and ensure timely payment of scholarships.
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