The rains and their interference in the urban landscape of Pelotas-RS: a report from the itinerant workshop of Pibid Geography
Didactic Resource, Water Resources, Rainwater Management, Environmental Issues, UrbanizationAbstract
Context: The itinerant workshop focused on addressing the relationship between rainfall and interferences in the urban landscape in the city of Pelotas/RS. The city is characterized by low declivity, surrounded by bodies of water and river channels that can lead to flooding in various areas. Methodology: The activity was developed with 6th grade students from a public school in Pelotas. The methodology used was based on the Freirean method, which allowed the integration of practice, theory, and reflection. The content covered was related to the students' daily lives, aiming to understand the importance of the relationship between the urban landscape and stormwater management. Considerations: During the workshop's development, a significant advancement in the students' knowledge was observed. At the beginning of the interventions, their knowledge on the topic was shallow, but by the end, the students demonstrated theoretical grounding and deeper understanding. They were able to establish consistent connections between the local reality and more complex contexts on other scales.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Larissa Machado Karnopp, Rogerio Canilha, Fabrício Cardoso Aíres , Rosangela Lurdes Spironello, Carlos Alberto Barz
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