The training in Postgraduate Studies and the Teaching Internship
An experience report in the Geography, Fisheries and Aquaculture discipline.
geografia, docência, pesca, aquiculturaAbstract
Context: The paths of teacher education are marked by changes and uncertainties about what kind of educator each individual aims to become. Experiences during the process of schooling, undergraduate and graduate studies, internships, projects, and later entry into the job market are paths that shape us as teachers. Methodology: This experiential report seeks to characterize and discuss the importance of the Guided Teaching Internship in postgraduate education based on the activities developed in the Geography, Fisheries, and Aquaculture discipline, taught in the year 2022 at the Federal University of Santa Maria. Considerations: It is observed that the learning process directly involves the construction of inclusive education, taking into account the students' reality, their experiences, and their perspectives, especially in the training process, where the paths of teacher education and postgraduate education are continuous and marked by new experiences that are lived throughout each trajectory, beyond research.
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