Multimodality and multiliteracies at Santa Helena Municipal Elementary School

Interactive practices for teaching geography




Multiliteracies, Multimodalities, Games


Context: Multiliteracies is a pedagogical approach that recognizes the diversity of meanings in the development of reading and writing skills and competencies necessary in contemporary society. The concept acknowledges that reading and writing are not limited to printed texts alone, but include various communicative practices, such as digital media, visualizations, and other symbolic languages. Methodology: The objective of this work was to explore multiliteracies and apply the concept through the production of games as multimodal activities. To do this, practical materials were used to develop two activities: a hypsometric puzzle of South America and a guessing game about the states of Brazil. I understand the importance of games as a basic and primary element of human culture, as well as the potential to use playful resources in education to make learning more enjoyable and interactive. The inclusion of games in the classroom can awaken competitiveness, stimulating student engagement. Furthermore, exploring multimodalities and multiliteracies in geography opens up new perspectives for classroom activities, allowing us to break away from traditional models and encourage broader and more enriching debates. Considerations: As teachers and scholars, it is our role to promote this discussion and explore new educational approaches.


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How to Cite

Abreu, J., Ilha Lopes, M., & Batista , N. (2023). Multimodality and multiliteracies at Santa Helena Municipal Elementary School: Interactive practices for teaching geography. Estrabão, 4(1), 732–739.



CLEG and CoGIn - Short Communication