The photographic language in digital media:

Dialogues about ways of seeing the Border


  • Ana Gláucia Seccatto UFGD



Images, Stereotypes, Geography Teaching


Context: The themes and debates related to the border tend to refer to conflicting contexts, and in recent times, there has been a greater visibility and intensification of the circulation of these ideas, mainly caused by technological advances. Bearing in mind that Mato Grosso do Sul has a significant area in the border region, in this text we carry out a theoretical reflection on the possible conceptions and perspectives on the Brazil-Paraguay border, which may be being created and reproduced through photographic images conveyed in electronic media and also, reflect on how many of the images conveyed in the media can also help educators in the classroom, when they are working on issues related to the border. Method: As methodological procedures, bibliographic research of a qualitative and exploratory nature, and collection of photographic images in electronic media through searches on the Google platform were carried out. Results: From the discussions we reflect that many images conveyed in the media, in some way, help to create and reproduce stereotypes in relation to the border, in contrast, other images present in the electronic media can contribute to deconstruct stereotypes and expand the possibilities of understanding about frontier experiences.


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How to Cite

Seccatto, A. G. (2023). The photographic language in digital media: : Dialogues about ways of seeing the Border. Estrabão, 4(1), 383–391.



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