Between Experiences and Reflections
An Encounter with Teaching
Geography, Teaching and learning, Pedagogical ResidencyAbstract
Context: This report describes the experiences lived by pedagogical residents during the first module of the Pedagogical Residency Program (PRP) in the Geography area. The program was developed at the State School Professora Hilda Monteiro de Menezes, in the city of Campo Formoso/BA, as part of the Geography subproject of the Federal University of Vale do São Francisco (UNIVASF), Campus Senhor do Bonfim/BA. The relevance of the PRP for the training of future Geography teachers is emphasized. Methodology: The report addresses the three periods that comprised the PRP module. The first period was a training period, with participation in events, lectures, workshops, courses, and formative seminars offered by the residents to the academic community. The second period was dedicated to program planning, while the third period was the most significant, with in-person teaching practice that lasted approximately ten weeks. The experiences and learnings during these periods were recorded in a logbook, which contributed to strengthening the theoretical-practical training and the teaching-learning process of future teachers. Considerations: The report highlights the importance and relevance of the program for teacher training, emphasizing the reflections, experiences, learnings, and knowledge acquired by the pedagogical residents throughout the PRP.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Katiurce Santos Souza, Vanessa Pereira da Silva, Geiza Moreira Simplicio, Sirius Oliveira Souza
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