The teaching experience in the training of Geography graduates




Pedagogical Residency, Geography Teaching, Experience



Context: The Pedagogical Residency Program is a tool for improving teacher training, selecting scholarship holders to work in schools and promote research and teaching during graduation. The objective of this study is to build reports of experiences during the period of teaching practice in the field school, addressing the prior training before teaching practice, the actions taken in the classroom, and the relationship between student, teacher, and administration. Methodology: The study was conducted through the Pedagogical Residency Program, with the support of the supervising teacher from the field school. Direct practices in the classroom, such as mini-courses, lectures, and seminars, were used. The actions and experiences were recorded in a logbook. Considerations: During the period of teaching practice, the students' curiosity for the subject was observed, due to the dynamic classes taught by the teacher. However, some issues were identified, such as students having side conversations and the lack of support from the school for students with hearing disabilities. The importance of the Pedagogical Residency Program as a classroom experience that allows understanding and promoting transformative education, combined with research, is highlighted.



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Author Biographies

Airton Cruz, Federal University of São Francisco Valley

Licenciando em Geografia - Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco

Márcio Venicius da Silva, Federal University of São Francisco Valley

Licenciando em Geografia - Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco

Erotilde Damasceno Salvador Neta, Federal University of São Francisco Valley

Licenciando em Geografia - Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco

Sirius Oliveira Souza, Federal University of São Francisco Valley

Doutor em Geografia pela UNICAMP

Professor Adjunto do Curso de Geografia da Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco


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How to Cite

Cruz, A., Venicius da Silva, M., Neta, E., & Souza, S. (2023). The teaching experience in the training of Geography graduates. Estrabão, 4(1), 366–372.



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