Education in rural areas: Characteristics and difficulties based on visits to Dom Érico Ferrari and Major Tancredo Penna de Moraes schools in Nova Palma and Santa Maria/RS.




School space, Education in the rural area, Rural Education


Context: Based on the discussions held in the course of Pedagogical Experiences I, in the Geography Teaching program at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), and the visits to schools in rural areas, it was observed that education in rural areas is very different from education in urban schools. These schools are synonymous with resistance and the perpetuation of knowledge of rural communities. Methodology: This paper aims to explore the characteristics and difficulties faced by education in rural areas. To achieve this goal, we differentiate between education in rural areas and education in urban areas, bringing up the reflection on the importance of maintaining schools in rural communities. Additionally, we address issues such as school grouping, multigrade classrooms, school transportation, distance to schools, and public investment. Considerations: Education in rural areas presents daily challenges, especially when it occurs outside urban spaces. It is essential to understand and value its importance in guaranteeing the resistance and preservation of knowledge in rural communities.


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Author Biographies

Jaqueline Noble Masvi de Sousa, Federal University of Santa Maria

Graduanda em Licenciatura Plena em Geografia na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM).

Rafaela Menezes da Silva, Federal University of Santa Maria

Graduanda em Licenciatura Plena em Geografia na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM).

Sandy Goelzer, Federal University of Santa Maria

Graduanda em Licenciatura Plena em Geografia na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM).


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How to Cite

Sousa, J., Rafaela, & Goelzer, S. (2023). Education in rural areas: Characteristics and difficulties based on visits to Dom Érico Ferrari and Major Tancredo Penna de Moraes schools in Nova Palma and Santa Maria/RS. Estrabão, 4(1), 582–589.



CLEG and CoGIn - Short Communication