Decolonial Geographies in High School: (Re)visiting Brazilian Demography from a Multiliteracies Perspective
Ensino de geografia, demografia do Brasil, decolonialidade, multiletramentos.Abstract
Context: This work examines the lasting impact of coloniality on social, cultural, and intellectual aspects, focusing on how it shapes our worldview, self-perception, and knowledge production, including in geography. Its main objective is a qualitative analysis that reinterprets high school Brazilian demography through decolonial and multiliteracy lenses to challenge colonial influences on power, knowledge, and identity. The methodology involves a theoretical-practical approach using various media, including writing, music, and audiovisual elements, with a multicultural perspective. Its aim is to promote a decolonial understanding of Brazilian people’s formation, territorialities, and spatialities in high school education. Four works are proposed as analytical tools: Ailton Krenak’s book, “Ideas to Postpone the End of the World,” the song “Palmares 1999” by Natiruts, the audiovisual presentation “We Need to Break the Silences” by Djamila Ribeiro at TED Talks São Paulo, and the audiovisual presentation “Indigenous Youtuber Cristian Wari’u - Indigenous Peoples of Brazil.” Considerations: The works provide a strong foundation for critical discussions in shaping a humanistic geography in basic education. Combining Multiliteracies Pedagogy with geography offers meaningful learning for today’s youth, aiming to confront persistent colonial influences and promote a decolonized approach to Brazilian geography and culture.
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