The municipal atlas as a didactic resource for teaching and learning about the place in the municipality of Capitão - RS
alfabetização cartográfica, atlas municipal, ensino fundamental, lugarAbstract
Context: The Municipal Atlas is an attractive and mediator resource for learning geographical concepts, stimulating a contextualized view of the student in relation to the world. This research aimed to understand how the learning of cartographic language occurs and how it can be stimulated through the study of the local context and the concept of place. Methodology: The objective was to develop a cartographic didactic material related to the municipal context to contribute to the teaching and learning of Geography in Elementary School. The importance of cartographic literacy for the formation of map readers/producers was analyzed, highlighting the processes and stages involved. From the mapping of the municipality, with data collection and images from research on municipal databases and historical sources, fieldwork and data processing from digital cartographic databases were carried out using the QGIS Geographic Information System, the Didactic Atlas of the municipality was created. This atlas is composed of maps, texts, and didactic activities for the study of the place, involving physical, natural, social, administrative, population, and economic aspects of the municipality. Considerations: The material can be used in different stages of the early years, filling the lack of didactic materials that address this theme, favoring the study of the nearby geographical space and preparing students for a better understanding of Cartography and forms of representation of reality in the final years of Elementary School and High School.
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