Analysis of fishing vessel accidents and their relationship with meteoceanographic events in Brazil
commercial fishing, fishing boats accidents, meteoceanographic adverse eventsAbstract
Background: Commercial fishing is one of the most dangerous labour activities in the world. The catches reduction forced the fishing fleet to migrate to areas further away from the coast and for longer periods of time, making fishing activities more susceptible to sudden changes in meteoceanographic conditions. Studies have shown the correlation between the occurrence of adverse meteoceanographic events and the increased risk of accidents. Present approach in Brazil is still incipient, which motivated the development of this proposal, which aims to create subsidies for the Maritime Authority to establish strategies for preventing fishing boats accidents. The proposed method foresees the systematization of the records of Administrative Inquiries and Navigation Facts (IAFN) of the Maritime Authority for the period from 2015 to 2020. The Marine Weather Messages issued by the Brazilian Navy for the same period will be used as a subjective parameter of the meteoceanographic conditions, and its spatial and temporal distribution for the coast of Brazil should be confronted with the record of accidents. Preliminary results indicate a trend towards a reduction in the number of accidents for the period under analysis. The most frequent accidents are shipwrecks and man overboard situations. The latter had the highest associated lethality, and the region with the highest incidence of accidents is related to the 5th Naval District (Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul state), which may be related to a higher occurrence of adverse phenomena, such as the passage of cold fronts and extratropical cyclones.
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