The importance of cartographic representations in the teaching of elementary school Geography II




Cartographic literacy, Cartographic representation, Geographic reasoning, School geography


Context: Through the results obtained from the research3 produced on the relevance of the use of Cartographic Representations in Geography teaching by teachers, it was possible to understand that these representations are tools for geographical spatial analysis capable of transforming the methodological approach to teaching school Geography, synthesizing disciplinary content dynamically and facilitating students' understanding of social-spatial processes and phenomena. Methodology: The work was carried out in order to strengthen the debate on the link between these tools and the teaching and learning process of school Geography content. A qualitative approach was adopted for the research, aiming to produce a dialectical argumentation about the constant need for reevaluation of the teacher's educational practice and the implementation of representations in their lesson planning, in case it was non-existent or underutilized.  Considerations: The main objective was to generate a discussion about the importance of using Cartographic Representations in explaining Geography content in middle school. Considering the data, it was possible to conclude that there is a challenging path for the Geography teacher in the pursuit of constructing critical and reflective geographical knowledge in their students, and that alone, this professional will not meet all the demands and issues encountered during the educational process.


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Author Biographies

Francimar Lourenço dos Santos Penha, Fluminense Federal University

Professor de Geografia formado pela UFF no ano de 2022 . Atualmente se encontra efetuando Mestrado em Geografia na mesma Universidade

Danielle Pereira Cintra, Fluminense Federal University

Doutora em Geografia pela UFRJ no ano de 2015. Atualmente é professora adjunta do Departamento de Geografia de Campos (GRC) da UFF.


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How to Cite

Penha, F., & Cintra, D. (2024). The importance of cartographic representations in the teaching of elementary school Geography II . Estrabão, 5(1), 43–51.



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