The environmental quality in the Bom Retiro Neighborhood of Curitiba (Brazil)




Green areas, The most beautiful cause in the city, Hemerobia, Urban environmental quality, Landscape planning, Bom Retiro neighborhood


Context: Urbanization with growth without considering landscape planning, generates environmental impacts and consequently affects the lives of the population. The assessment of urban environmental quality is increasingly important and can contribute to minimize, avoid or solve urban environmental impacts. Method: The concept of hemerobia was used, a method for evaluating the environmental quality and in which it demonstrates the energy and technological dependence for the functioning of the landscapes. Landscapes with low hemerobia are those that have self-regulation capacity, without human influence and high hemerobia are characterized by intense dominance of structures and consequently with low self-regulation capacity. The predominant landscapes found were classified according to three classes of hemerobia: low (predominance of arboreal vegetation), medium (herbaceous-shrubby vegetation, exposed soil and/or evidence of buildings) and high (buildings). Satellite images from the year 2018 and at an approximate scale of 1:5,000 obtained from Google Earth were used. Results: The landscapes of the Bom Retiro neighborhood of Curitiba/PR were classified. The neighborhood presented 72.40% of its area with high hemerobia, 27.59% with medium to low hemerobia (with vegetation cover), the average of the buildings is below 4 floors, which gives the neighborhood a good condition of environmental development , maintain the existing vegetation cover, create more green areas and contain the increase in the verticalization process of buildings. It was also possible to demonstrate how the creation of a park preserving the existing green areas in the place is suitable for the region and could be beneficial to the local population, as there is a movement to create a park in the neighborhood, called “The most beautiful cause in the city”. ” that inspired this work.


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Author Biographies

Lavínia Fernanda Godoy da Cruz, Paraná Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology

Tecnóloga em Gestão Pública pelo IFPR

Vagner Zamboni Berto, Paraná Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology

Professor e Pesquisador do IFPR - Instituto Federal do Paraná

Ricardo Massulo Albertin, FEITEP - Faculdade de Engenharias e Arquitetura

Professor e pesquisador da FEITEP - Faculdade de Engenharias e Arquitetura.


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How to Cite

Cruz, L., Silva, F., Berto, V., & Albertin, R. (2021). The environmental quality in the Bom Retiro Neighborhood of Curitiba (Brazil). Estrabão, 2(1), 120–138.


