Methodologies for Quantifying Microplastics in the Waters of the Cubatão do Sul River, Palhoça/SC




Water, Environment, Plastics


Background: With the increase in plastic production in the world, the disposal of this waste has been widely discussed and is one of the most challenging problems of the century. different segments. These materials can degrade into smaller particles, originating microplastics, where their improper final disposal can contaminate the ecosystems' biota. This study aimed to define the most appropriate methodologies to detect microplastics in surface water samples, in order to diagnose the presence of microplastics in the Cubatão do Sul River in Palhoça. Methods: A literature review of the methodologies used for water was carried out, aiming to define the methodology for this work. Through this literature review it was decided to adopt an adapted methodology, proposing a procedure for collection, preparation and separation of samples, quantification and characterization of samples. Results: There are no regulations requiring the monitoring of these contaminants, but further studies that make it possible to quantify the levels of contamination in our aquatic environments are extremely necessary. It is expected to achieve efficient and significant results that can contribute to the quantification and reduction of this form of pollution.  


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Author Biographies

Walter Martin Widmer, Federal Institute of Santa Catarina

Doctor of Science. Professor of the Professional Master's Program in Climate and Environment. ORCID 0000-0003-2476-8033 Federal Institute of Santa Catarina; Florianópolis, SC

Claudia Lira , Federal Institute of Santa Catarina

PhD in Materials Science and Technology. ORCID 0000-0002-1989-4396 Professor at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina; Florianópolis, SC  


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How to Cite

Carvalho, K., Widmer, W., & Lira, C. (2021). Methodologies for Quantifying Microplastics in the Waters of the Cubatão do Sul River, Palhoça/SC . Estrabão, 2(1), 210–219.



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