Impact of microphysics and planetary boundary layer parameterizations in the simulation of intense meteorological events in Santa Catarina using the WRF model
Events. Extremes. WRF.Abstract
Backgroud: Extreme events associated with meteorological phenomena are occurrences that cause material damage and different socioeconomic impacts. These events have a short lifecycle, typically up to two hours, but can span up to six and 12 hours. There are several approaches to predictability and one of them makes use of numerical weather prediction models. In this work, we want to investigate the set of boundary layer and microphysics parameterizations that best respond to the prediction of intense atmospheric events. Methods: The Weather and Research Forecasting (WRF) open source model will be used to perform the experiments and the methodology will be through a case study of an extreme event that occurred in western Santa Catarina on August 14, 2020. Results: In the end, it is expected to find one WRF configuration that can be used operationally to predict and monitor intense atmospheric events.
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