Spatio-temporal analysis of the evolution of coastal vulnerability in Itapoá - Santa Catarina

A Hydrogeomorphological and Climatic Perspective




Coastal Erosion, Itapoá, Climate Change


Background: Coastal erosion is a natural process, especially on sandy beaches. Sandy beaches are common in Brazil and generally the population is mostly located in this region, as a result, several risks are associated with this process. The coastal environment has great economic importance and at the same time it is a complex environment in its natural and extremely sensitive processes. Therefore, several authors search for methods to analyze the variation of the coastline to obtain information about the advance, which results in erosive processes, in order to identify coastal vulnerability. Currently, the installation of containments and works such as the fattening of the beach has been common, especially in regions of extreme economic importance. Methods: In this work, the numerical modeling MOHID will be used to obtain the hydrodynamic and sedimentary balance of the beaches of Itapoá-SC in conjunction with climate analysis in order to identify which processes are causing a deficit in the region's sedimentary input, which is resulting in processes high intensity erosives in the southern portion of the beaches. Results: Currently, the research project is under development


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How to Cite

Silva, A., & Suski, C. (2021). Spatio-temporal analysis of the evolution of coastal vulnerability in Itapoá - Santa Catarina: A Hydrogeomorphological and Climatic Perspective. Estrabão, 2(1), 230–233.



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