Temporal variations in the settlement of the mussel mytilus galloprovincialis in artificial collectors arranged in cultivation areas in Zimbros cove, Bombinhas – Santa Catarina
mussels, cultivation, gatherers, recruitmentAbstract
Context: In Brazil, the pioneering experiences of myticulture date back to the 70s, by researchers from the University of São Paulo, Instituto Pesquisas da Marinha (RJ). Commercial activity started in 1989 in Santa Catarina. Metodology: In recent years, the presence of Mytilus galloprovincialis in Santa Catarina has been observed in collectors and in cultivation structures, however this information is not systematized, as it is not clear the period of greatest occurrence or even the proportion of settlement of this species in relation to with temporal variations. Ressults: In order to obtain this information, an assessment of the settlement of Mytilus will be carried out, in the different seasons of the year, in collector models, which are traditionally used by mariculturists in the bay of Zimbros, Bombinhas (SC).
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