Atlantic Forest: From original formation to fragmentation and the current state of conservation in Santa Catarina
Atlantic Forest, Dense Ombrophilous Forest, Hotspot, DeforestationAbstract
Context: Brazil is the country with the greatest diversity of plant and animal species on the planet. The Atlantic Forest ranks as the third largest biome and as the second largest tropical forest on the American continent. Studies indicate that only 12.4% of preserved forest remains. The reduction of areas of native vegetation in this biome, as a result of human exploitation, has increased the rates of biodiversity loss and the reduction of genetic resources, making the Atlantic Forest the second most threatened biome on the planet. Methods: The work brings a bibliographic review of the last 15 years on the Atlantic Forest. The most cited articles were chosen, as well as the legislation in force for analysis. Results: The forest was recognized as National Heritage by the Brazilian Federal Constitution and had its legal protection approved in 2006 with the Atlantic Forest law. Among the activities that exert the most pressure on the biome, urban expansion stands out, with Santa Catarina being the fourth state that most deforested this biome between 2019 and 2020. Currently, the state has only 46% of its original area and needs to be restored , to protect their species and environmental services, these actions need to be carried out by all sectors of civil society.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Felipe Martins, Carla Jane Weber, Gilberto Neppel, Moisés Eduardo Garcia Junqueira, Rosilene Pires de Oliveira, Fernanda Witt Cidade
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