Morphological characterization of a stretch of the Itapocu River, northern region of Santa Catarina: Subsidies for the identification of geomorphic risk areas




river morphology; landscape sensitivity; thematic cartography


Context: Morphodynamic processes developed in a fluvial environment are related to natural factors that cause periodic changes in the landscape and to preexisting lithostructures that control the substrate of the fluvial valley. The main natural factors that propitiate the alterations correspond to tectonic activity, capable of altering the terrain's altimetric patterns, and climatic activity, controlling the precipitation regime. On the other hand, depending on the composition and structural configuration of the substrate, it may control the evolutionary mechanics of rivers. Fluvial sensitivity studies can be restricted to analyzes limited to particular processes or parameters, with the aim of elucidating specific environmental problems. However, they may have generalist tendencies, especially when centered on the discussion of the synergistic effects of the processes that impute changes to the environment and the natural controls that provide resistance and resilience to the environment. Methods: This research project aims to analyze the interactions between rainfall and substrate conditions in the evolution of the river landscape through the integration of rainfall data with geospatial data, extracted from multitemporal mapping of morphological changes in the geoforms of the river valley. Results: It is expected that the results may contribute to the spacilization of the effects of time on the river morphology.


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How to Cite

Pinto, F., Brentano, D., & Schuch, F. (2021). Morphological characterization of a stretch of the Itapocu River, northern region of Santa Catarina: Subsidies for the identification of geomorphic risk areas. Estrabão, 2(1), 170–179.



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