Mapping of flooded areas in the municipalities of Agudo, Dona Francisca, Paraíso do Sul, and Restinga Sêca, Rio Grande do Sul
Potential of free geographic data
NDWI, Sentinel 2A, Rain, Extreme Event, Geographic Coordinates of AddressesAbstract
Context: The extreme phenomenon that occurred in Rio Grande do Sul at the end of April and beginning of May 2024 brings the emergence of the need for cartographic productions to understand the process and plan actions to reduce damage and help affected populations. Therefore, the objective of this work is to make a methodological contribution based on the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) and the address coordinates of the 2022 Demographic Census, for the municipalities of Agudo, Dona Francisca, Paraíso do Sul and Restinga Sêca , in cartographic production for damage reduction purposes using free data and free software. Methodology: To produce the NDWI, Sentinel 2A images were used for the study area on different dates (before and after the rainy season). To estimate the residences affected by the extreme event, the Geographic Coordinates of Addresses from the 2022 Demographic Census were used. The maps were created using the QGIS software. As a result, a map was presented comparing the areas with the presence of water for the two dates and another containing the location of residences in the flooding/flooding areas. It is concluded that cartographic productions and the methodology described can collaborate with disaster management in the context described throughout the text
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