One Health and Geographic Information Science towards the elimination of visceral leishmaniasis in São Paulo state, Brazil




NDVI, Spatiotemporal analysis, Visceral Leishmaniasis, Land Surface Temperature


Context: Quantitative assessments to monitor and respond to diseases such as visceral leishmaniasis are crucial to the One Health agenda. In 2020, 97% of cases in the Americas were reported in Brazil. In São Paulo, the disease appeared in 1999 and until 2019, 3,046 cumulative cases were reported. Development: This study seeks to: A) Analyze the spatiotemporal dispersion of human VL. B) Identify the correlation between environmental and social variables and the distribution of the vector, human and canine cases. It is a descriptive, sectional epidemiological study, with data from public sources. Remote Sensing and Thematic Cartography with GIS were used. Autocorrelation and spatiotemporal groups were analyzed to correlate vector-disease-environment. Results: Between 1999 and 2020, 106 of the 645 municipalities had human cases. Over 7 triennia, all significant high-value clusters were found in the West. The vector Lutzomyia longipalpis is dispersed in a northwest axis. Canine leishmaniasis predominates in the north of the state and, at the end of 2020, was present in 192 municipalities (29.76%). Human disease was correlated with areas of low and medium vegetation and with MODIS LST-day (OR=4.5) and LST-night (OR=13.01). The results provided a scientific basis for geospatial and satellite surveillance and response for VL.


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How to Cite

Fonseca, E., Ferro, R., Semensati, F., & Carneiro, L. (2024). One Health and Geographic Information Science towards the elimination of visceral leishmaniasis in São Paulo state, Brazil. Estrabão, 5(1), 357–368.


