Digital product as an alternative for disseminating knowledge related to Health Geography and related areas




Digital product, Health Geography, Health promotion calendar


Context: The beginning of the 21st century is characterized as a milestone in the accessibility and popularization of the internet in Brazil. In 2020, with the Covid-19 pandemic, this process of internet popularization accelerated. Among so many topics present on the internet, how can we create a digital product that is an alternative for disseminating knowledge related to Health Geography? Objective: This work aimed to show the digital product as an alternative for disseminating knowledge related to Health Geography and related areas. Methodology: To achieve this objective, the results of the information survey on Google Forms were used to boost the survey of references, the survey of applications and programs available to create digital products and the creation of the digital product itself. Results: The main results were that the population studied is predominantly in the generations that spent most of their lives exposed to the internet; the respondents' education corresponds to complete or incomplete doctorate (38%). The predominant income range was one to three minimum wages (49%). The main devices used are smartphones or cell phones, notebooks and desktop computers. The most used media are the Website, Youtube, Instagram, Facebook and Whatsapp. Posts of images with small explanatory texts were chosen as the first digital product experience. This material can serve to popularize this relationship between Geography and Health and Health Geography itself.


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How to Cite

Pereira, M., Silva, M., Torres , C., & Souza Júnior, X. (2024). Digital product as an alternative for disseminating knowledge related to Health Geography and related areas. Estrabão, 5(1), 298–309.


