Occurrence of Haff Disease in Brazil from 2008-2022 from the perspective of the One Health concept





epidemiology, food poisoning, fish, health ecology, environmental health


Background: Since 2008, cases of Haff Disease have been detected through specific outbreaks investigated in the north and northeast of the country, but without identification of the agent and/or risk factors for illness so far. The present work aimed to systematize the distribution and knowledge of the disease in the Brazilian human population, willing to contribute with proposals for environmental and epidemiological research in the context of single health to identify risk factors leading to the population becoming ill. Development: A review was carried out with the keyword “Haff's Disease” in Portuguese, Spanish, English and French on health and environmental research platforms, without period delimitation, but excluding literature that did not address cases of the disease in Brazil in the title and keywords. The 37 information of interest was collected from the selected articles using a semi-structured online form and analyzed qualitatively. Results: Of the 57 eligible articles, only six addressed cases in Brazil. Of the 162 probable cases, the highest records were in the states of Bahia (51) and Amazonas (25), from 2008 to 2021, cases in marine environments started in October, while cases in Amazonas, in June. Marine and freshwater fish species have been linked to the disease with symptoms beginning within 24 hours of consuming the fish, with two hypotheses considered to possibly confirm the etiological agent and/or risk factors for the illnesses observed.   With the data obtained, it is possible to delimit research to specific territories, considering the concept and approach of single health.


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Author Biographies

Nathália Gabriela Silva Santos Coelho, Catholic University of Brasília

Bachelor in Biological Sciences and postgraduate student in Clinical Analysis and Microbiology and Epidemiological Health Surveillance at Instituto Líbano.

Eucilene Alves Santana, University of Brasília

PhD in Sciences, "Concentration Area: Ecology of Continental Aquatic Environments"

Morgana Maria Arcanjo Bruno, Catholic University of Brasília

PhD in Ecology

Isabella Anderson de Jesus Gomes de Sá, University of Brasília

Undergraduate student in Psychology

Helen Gurgel, University of Brasília

PhD in Geography


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How to Cite

Coelho, N., Santana, E., Bruno, M., Sá, I., & Gurgel, H. (2024). Occurrence of Haff Disease in Brazil from 2008-2022 from the perspective of the One Health concept. Estrabão, 5(1), 199–209. https://doi.org/10.53455/re.v5i1.235


