The use of essential oils to control corn pests
grain storage; biodegradable; natural insecticide, integrated pest management; botanical repellentAbstract
Background: Brazil is one of the largest corn producers in the world. The climate and the appearance of pests are factors that affect the quantity and quality of this agricultural production. With regard to pests present in crops, combating them with the use of pesticides proves to be efficient, however, if misused, they can pose risks to human health and the environment. Several studies point out essential oils as an alternative for replacing the use of pesticides. Methods: The purpose of this work was to present a literature review regarding the efficiency of using essential oils with insecticidal and repellent effect to combat different corn pests. The results demonstrate that the essential oil of Baccharis dracunculifolia had a significant insecticidal effect in application against insects; pepper rosemary essential oil can be used as an alternative control against Curvularia fungus; the essential oil of minthrast leaves showed an early result in the control of fall armyworm; the essential oil of the leaves of aroeira-salso showed efficiency in controlling the corn weevil, as well as the essential oil of marigolds also showed a positive result in combating this pest. The long pepper leaf essential oil has insecticidal activity against fall armyworm with efficiency in mortality. The essential oils of quince, canopy, mastic and basil showed positive results in combating the brown beetle; citronella, thyme, lemongrass, eucalyptus, cinnamon and clove essential oils efficiently control conidia germination and mycelial growth in corn seeds. The essential oils of cloves and cinnamon reduced the incidence of pathogens and the essential oils of cloves and thyme acted directly in the control of the fungus conidia. Furthermore, eucalyptus essential oils proved to be promising in the protection of plantations when sprayed on them.
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