Rural Sustainable Development in Babitonga Bay: Multidisciplinary Project of the Graduate Program in Technology and Environment (PPGTA)
environmental Sciences, sustainable development, multidisciplinaryAbstract
Context: In this article we present the contexts and theoretical concepts that underpinned the multidisciplinary research project of the Professional Master's in Technology and Environment (PPGTA) applied to a rural property in Babitonga Bay. Methodology: The methodological proposal of this work is the multidisciplinary convergence of different knowledge, enabling the reflection of different perspectives to solve the intrinsic problems of the society-nature relationship in a given territory. In this way, this scientific praxis starts to be identified as an attitude and as a method in the production of knowledge in this area of evaluation. Results: The proposal of this multidisciplinary convergence of knowledge in the Graduate Program in Technology and Environment (PPGTA) is included in the area of concentration of the course, which is the Development of Environmental Processes and Technologies.
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- 02-10-2021 (1)
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