Frigotto Ciavatta and Ramos (2005), when defending secondary education integrated with professional
education as a possibility of moving towards the offer of integrated training (omnilateral), of the
“integration of all dimensions of life in the formative process” (RAMOS, 2008, p.63). Such dimensions
are work, science and culture, fundamental elements of life that structure social practice. By taking
work as an educational principle (G. Frigotto, 2009; Kuenzer, Trabalho, Cad, Pesq, & Paulo, 1989),
this perspective of professional training shifts “the focus of its objectives from the labor market to the
human person” (RAMOS, 2008, p.6).
There are several possibilities to advance towards curricular integration and each institution will need
to find the best way to promote it, in a process that will always be dynamic, seeking to “link educational
processes to social processes, school and life, school curriculum and local reality, theory and practice,
education and work” (MACHADO, 2009, p.88). Among the various possibilities of integration between
the disciplines, the author suggests contemplating “temporal approximations; content mergers;
accomplishment of shared studies and research; joint promotion of seminars and events; implementation
of teaching methods by projects and by generative themes”, always having research as the nodal point.
(MACHADO, 2009, p.93).
Grounded on the concept of integrated education briefly described, works and discussions carried out
within the scope of the research group seek to understand how PTE has been constituted in past and
present times, focusing on school culture and the educational practices that it entails, as well as
memories, records and documents, which, from the perspectives of space and memory, capture this
movement in Santa Catarina. These researches are based on a common theoretical and methodological
framework that allows the group to delve into the literature in the field and identify with a particular
Some researches from the group are based on discussions that revolve around school culture, and
professional and technological education from the perspectives of space and memory. The first
categories raised in these surveys were: regional development, school culture, memory and memorial,
cultural history, agricultural school. There are also works and scientific productions of the group that,
by focusing on the development of school culture in educational practices, seek to understand the limits
and possibilities of these practices within the PTE scope, as well as their contributions to the realization
of the PTE goals and, consequently, regional development.
Regarding the debate on regional development, the proposal is in dialogue with the production of
authors that appear in the bibliographic references and those who, based on the Development
Superintendency of the Northeast (SUDENE) experience, have been qualifying the Brazilian regional
debate: Celso Furtado, Francisco de Oliveira, Iná Elias Castro, Carlos Vainer and Tânia Bacellar. They
are reference authors who are often found as bases in theoretical discussions in research sources and
periodicals from development agencies in Santa Catarina, the Institute for Applied Economic Research
(IPEA), and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), and allow the establishment of
a dialogue with other Graduate Programs.
The research group carries out the results of other researches with similar approaches, based on
queries in the Scielo and Capes Journal Portal databases. In these searches, the following isolated terms
were used: school culture; educational practices; collective memory; individual memory; dynamic
memorial; cultural history; agricultural school (most of the PTE institutions were agricultural schools).
The search carried out in these platforms retrieved results on the terms researched and selected for
dealing with the themes similarly to what is projected in this work.