LEME: Laboratory of Spaces
and Memories of Professional
and Technological Education
in Santa Catarina
Vol.(2):12– 23
©The Author(s) 2021
Reprints and permission:
Editora Casa de Hiram
DOI: 10.53455/re.v2i.6
Reginaldo Plácido and Cloves Alexandre de Castro
Context: This article will address the LEME (Laboratory of Spaces and Memories of Professional
and Technological Education of Santa Catarina). Method: This laboratory presents itself as a
Scientific, Technological and Innovation Research Project (CTI Project), as it aims to identify and
map spaces of practices and memories of Professional and Technological Education (EPT) in
Santa Catarina, especially in the Federal Institutes and develop a memorial and virtual archive.
Results: The form of the article will address the proposal of constituting a space for memory and
discussion of the EPT, with the intention of not only making materials and documents about the
EPT available to other researchers and the community, but also to problematize and understand
the vocational densifications in the mesoregions where Santa Catarina's Vocational Education
Units are located.
Memory, Virtual Space, Practices, Professional and Technological Education
LEME (Laboratory of Spaces and Memories of Professional and Technological Education in Santa
Catarina) is a Scientific, Technological and Innovation Research Project (STI Project), as it aims
at identifying and mapping spaces of practices and memories of Professional and
Technological Education in Santa Catarina, mostly in the Federal Institutes, and developing a PTE
memorial and a virtual archive. More specifically, the proposed research aims at constituting a space
for PTE memory and discussion, not only to provide materials and documents about PTE to other
researchers and the community, but also to problematize and understand the vocational density in
the mesoregions where Professional Education units in Santa Catarina are located.
This way, the virtual memorial will also help understand the PTE impacts in Santa Catarina, as it is
necessary for the state to identify the consequences of its public policies in the territory. It
is understood that PTE school institutions are the result of public policies located in all regions of
Santa Catarina as a benchmark in Technical and Technological Professional Education and in
teacher training. These institutions are located as strategic fixed points to produce technical-
scientific knowledge for regional development, through articulation with local productive
arrangements, structured in an omnilateral proposal of professional education integrated to secondary
The Portuguese acronym “LEME”, of unknown etymology, goes back to the meaning of sense,
direction; on ships or aircraft, it is the instrument that helps direct and locate in space, facilitating the
driver's work. Based on this idea, LEME (Laboratory of Spaces and Memories of Professional and
Technological Education in Santa Catarina) is a Scientific, Technological and Innovation Research
Project (STI Project), as it aims at identifying and mapping spaces of practices and memories of
Professional and Technological Education in Santa Catarina, mostly in the Federal Institutes, and
developing a PTE memorial and a virtual archive.
The history of PTE institutions, as well as any school institution, is built from the narratives and
stories of their actors (education professionals, students, parents, community etc.), from documents
(regimes, legislation, photos, architecture, spaces etc.) and their educational practices. These stories,
practices and documents (material and immaterial) are valued when retrieved, interpreted and
systematized, enabling the preservation and communication of institutional memory.
The lack of PTE systematic historical documentation in Santa Catarina reveals the institutions
negligence in archiving documents as a process of preserving their history and the history of STI
institutions. This finding raises the following issue: how can one identify the impact of technological
professional education in Santa Catarina from the space-memory dialogue? The general goal of the
research is to understand the impacts that the studied institutions produce in the dialogue with the
territory in which they are present, and, from that, build a virtual memorial that is effective as a space
for identification, rescue and production of PTE stories and memories in Santa Catarina.
In this sense, it is necessary to reflect and have research proposals that aim at constituting a PTE
memory space, in which educational practices developed by institutions in the recent past are also
registered, contributing to the development of PTE and STI in the state.
To focus on the practices and guidelines of the daily practice of professional, technical and
technological education carried out in PTE institutions, and understand the relations of this institution
with the territory that hosts it and its intervention in time and space, in dialogue and action with other
agents and organizations, it will be necessary to review the literature on the experience of PTE
education in Brazil and Santa Catarina, as well as analyze documents, guidelines and indicators that
refer to policies produced for demands that move broad social sectors. In this sense, this project is an
applied research proposal with a qualitative approach and a documentary character at first. For
document evaluation, content analysis will be used, having Bardin's analysis units as basis and
instrument. Initially, the following analysis categories are proposed: work, professional and
technological education, regional development, memory, and educational practices.
Problematization and state of the art
From the second half of 2019, as part of the activities of the research groups of the masters program,
an attempt was made to find documents on PTE institutions, which demonstrated the lack of PTE
systematic historical documentation in Santa Catarina. This revealed the weakness in preserving the
memory of these institutions, which are STI protagonists in Santa Catarina. This finding raises the
following issue:
Plácido e Castro
how to identify the impact of professional and technological education institutions in Santa Catarina
from the space-memory dialogue?
PTE institutions in the public sphere, in their current conception, propose to offer courses that
integrate professional training and citizenship training, seeking to provide students with access to
scientific-technological training and historical-social knowledge [...], the understanding of the
technical, social, cultural and political foundations of the current production system in an articulated
and integrated manner.” (FRIGOTTO; CIAVATTA; RAMOS, 2005, p.15). The definition of courses
offered is based on the study of local productive, cultural, and social arrangements, contributing to the
development and innovation in these geographic spaces.
For the purposes of this research, it is understood that
Economic growth, as we know it, has been based on preserving the privileges of the
elites that satisfy their desire for modernization. On the other hand, development is
characterized by its underlying social project. Having the resources to invest is far
from being a sufficient condition to prepare a better future for the masses, but when
the social project prioritizes the effective improvement of this population's living
conditions, growth metamorphoses into development.
(FURTADO, 2004, p.484).
It is from this development perspective that this project intends to identify the impacts of professional
and technological education offered by the institutions studied through the analysis and reflection on
the categories: technological education-work-development; pedagogical practices in formal spaces of
Professional Technological Education; Professional Technological Education memory.
Based on the relationships of space and memory, have PTE institutions been able to contribute and
exercise their roles as agents of regional development and citizenship promoters? Have they
contributed to the development and diversification of local productive, cultural and social
Considering the importance of archives, and from the clarity that there is not a preservation
movement for these materials in PTE institutions in Santa Catarina, the problem of this research lies in
analyzing the memory of institutions for the understanding of PTE in Santa Catarina and, in particular,
identifying the impact on the educational scenario and on the State development.
The research in progress and the intended ones have the concept of comprehensive education as their
background, understood as that which aims at contributing to overcome the structural duality in
Brazilian education, allocating different training paths to different audiences according to their class
It is thus defended that everyone is entitled to a
complete education, which is not satisfied with the socialization of systematized
culture fragments and understands access to a training process, including school, as
everybodys right, promoting the development of their broad physical and intellectual
(ARAUJO, 2014, p.9)
Although each research carried out in the scope of this group makes use of different authors considering
the specificity of each object, they all have the concept of comprehensive education in common,
defended by, among others, by Ramos (2008), Kuenzer (2000), Araujo (2014), Machado (2009),
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Frigotto Ciavatta and Ramos (2005), when defending secondary education integrated with professional
education as a possibility of moving towards the offer of integrated training (omnilateral), of the
“integration of all dimensions of life in the formative process” (RAMOS, 2008, p.63). Such dimensions
are work, science and culture, fundamental elements of life that structure social practice. By taking
work as an educational principle (G. Frigotto, 2009; Kuenzer, Trabalho, Cad, Pesq, & Paulo, 1989),
this perspective of professional training shifts “the focus of its objectives from the labor market to the
human person” (RAMOS, 2008, p.6).
There are several possibilities to advance towards curricular integration and each institution will need
to find the best way to promote it, in a process that will always be dynamic, seeking to “link educational
processes to social processes, school and life, school curriculum and local reality, theory and practice,
education and work” (MACHADO, 2009, p.88). Among the various possibilities of integration between
the disciplines, the author suggests contemplating “temporal approximations; content mergers;
accomplishment of shared studies and research; joint promotion of seminars and events; implementation
of teaching methods by projects and by generative themes”, always having research as the nodal point.
(MACHADO, 2009, p.93).
Grounded on the concept of integrated education briefly described, works and discussions carried out
within the scope of the research group seek to understand how PTE has been constituted in past and
present times, focusing on school culture and the educational practices that it entails, as well as
memories, records and documents, which, from the perspectives of space and memory, capture this
movement in Santa Catarina. These researches are based on a common theoretical and methodological
framework that allows the group to delve into the literature in the field and identify with a particular
Some researches from the group are based on discussions that revolve around school culture, and
professional and technological education from the perspectives of space and memory. The first
categories raised in these surveys were: regional development, school culture, memory and memorial,
cultural history, agricultural school. There are also works and scientific productions of the group that,
by focusing on the development of school culture in educational practices, seek to understand the limits
and possibilities of these practices within the PTE scope, as well as their contributions to the realization
of the PTE goals and, consequently, regional development.
Regarding the debate on regional development, the proposal is in dialogue with the production of
authors that appear in the bibliographic references and those who, based on the Development
Superintendency of the Northeast (SUDENE) experience, have been qualifying the Brazilian regional
debate: Celso Furtado, Francisco de Oliveira, Iná Elias Castro, Carlos Vainer and Tânia Bacellar. They
are reference authors who are often found as bases in theoretical discussions in research sources and
periodicals from development agencies in Santa Catarina, the Institute for Applied Economic Research
(IPEA), and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), and allow the establishment of
a dialogue with other Graduate Programs.
The research group carries out the results of other researches with similar approaches, based on
queries in the Scielo and Capes Journal Portal databases. In these searches, the following isolated terms
were used: school culture; educational practices; collective memory; individual memory; dynamic
memorial; cultural history; agricultural school (most of the PTE institutions were agricultural schools).
The search carried out in these platforms retrieved results on the terms researched and selected for
dealing with the themes similarly to what is projected in this work.
Plácido e Castro
It is noteworthy that the research of the school cultureand cultural historyterms had significant
results, as they are themes that are theoretically well explored and that allow a satisfactory
bibliographic review, mainly from authors such as Julia (2001) and Viñao Frago (1995; 1998), and
Viñao and Frago (1995). Most articles have the same theoretical line from this work, with common
authors cited, such as: Le Goff, Roger Chartier, Jacques Revel, Michel de Certeau, and Peter Burke.
The selected articles show a predominance of the historiographical approach, and that are somehow
related to the proposed theme, object and research problem.
Using the “educational practices”, “professional and technological education” and “Federal Institute”
indicators, the Scielo platform showed no results. In turn, BDTD showed two doctoral studies that
relate to the scope of this study. Antônio (2018), through educational practices with local productive
arrangements, sought to relate the implementation of the Federal Institute of Maranhão with
government intentions. Kandler (2019) aims at understanding how music presents itself as an
educational practice in PTE. Both theses are close to this research, as they are based on the
understanding of PTE as the articulation of technology, science and culture, and, respectively, part of
the local, social and cultural productive arrangements in Santa Catarina.
In addition to the search for isolated terms, the group adopted the search for combined ones, aiming
at approaching the theme of the proposed research. The "collective memory", "individual memory" and
"cultural history" terms were associated with education and/or schools (not necessarily agricultural
ones). Articles dealing with education since the military regime were considered to contextualize
aspects of school culture in agricultural colleges.
Searches were also carried out in the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD), with the
following terms:
agricultural school and green revolution, with no relevant results;
agricultural school and memory, with no results;
agrotechnical school and memory a dissertation by Ribeiro (2015) was retrieved. The relevance
of this dissertation is due to the fact that it is a research on the experiences of servants and students of
an agrotechnical school, from the perspective of cultural history, when the military intervention in
Brazil was in force;
agrotechnical school and military intervention the same dissertation mentioned above was
obtained as a result;
agricultural school and boarding school a dissertation by Dalpiaz (2005) was retrieved. It works
with former students' memories through oral history, with interviews and authors who dialogue with this
research project, such as Ecléa Bosi and Maurice Halbwachs;
boarding school and indiscipline a dissertation by Marcelino (2013) was retrieved. The interest
in this dissertation is due to the fact that it uses a similar methodology and content analysis using
Laurence Bardin as a reference;
school culture and agricultural/agrotechnical school the result was a thesis by Campos (2016).
This thesis investigates the history of school culture through the schools memory, with oral
testimonies and documentary sources, problematizing cultural history in parallel with the history of
education. It uses authors such as Le Goff and Jacques (2013), Julia (2001), Viñao Frago (1995; 1998)
Viñao and Frago (1995) and Certeau (1998) as theoretical support.
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cultural history and agricultural/agrotechnical school no dissertation or thesis with a significant
approach to contribute to the research was retrieved.
The selected theses and dissertations contemplate concepts, approaches and authors that are similar
to those studied in the current research proposal. Therefore, they will enrich its discussions and
theoretical construction. However, none of these productions approach the research object with the
same extent and the same analysis perspective.
By proposing the constitution of a virtual memorial, available to society as a whole, as the main
result, the intention of this research is anchored in the concept that the State should be an inducing
agent of social development in all its aspects. Consequently, its structures must operate in the sense of
elaborating and producing alternatives that contribute to an epistemological leap that brings intelligence
and fluidity to spaces, and translate into regional development.
We think about intentionality based on John Searles contribution and this formulation, elaborated by
Fernandes, in which intentionality is understood
The intentions propose different readings for reality, generating conflicts materialized
by disputes in the interpretation of facts. Intentionality as a historical option is also a
political position, a preference for the readings of a particular social class.
(FERNANDES, 2009, p.202-203)
This historical and political option, which denotes taking a stand in defense of the interests of the
working class, is not the expression that could compromise the research results.
The choice of class is not and cannot be an action that leads the subject (collective or not) to distort
reality with the intention of favoring the conception believed in and understood as an expression of
equity, because, according to the English historian E. P. Thompson, the class
[...] happens when some men, as a result of common experiences (inherited or
shared), feel and articulate the identity of their interests with each other, and against
other men whose interests differ (and often oppose) from their own. Class experience
is largely determined by the relations of production into which men were born or
have unwittingly entered.
(THOMPSON, 2001, p.274)
This theoretical survey made it possible to verify a theoretical and methodological basis for the
development of researches, undergraduate theses, dissertations and scientific communications about
some PTE institutions and practices, which will add to this reflection.
Research methodological proposal
The scientific statute requires a certain corpus to think about the world we live in and its constant
transformations. Such theoretical-methodological corpus is delimited by notions, concepts and
categories, and the structures of new reflections and the theoretical-methodological approach make a
given theory a possibility of a methodical approach supported by a given conceptual field.
Plácido e Castro
From a methodological point of view, this research is of a basic nature, with a view to contributing to
the expansion of existing theoretical knowledge about the histories and memories of the researched
institutions, and also of an applied nature by presenting an educational product, resulting of the study to
be carried out. It is also qualitative in approach, concerned with issues that cannot or do not need to be
quantifiable. It is also instrumental and of a documentary character at first.
In the direction of Gerhardt and Silveira (2009), qualitative research is concerned with understanding
and explaining the dynamics of social relations, based on reality aspects, to the detriment of quantified
data. These may be part of qualitative research, but they are not its essence. The authors also define
documentary research as being “(...) the one carried out from contemporary or retrospective documents,
considered scientifically authentic (non-frauded)” (GERHARDT and SILVEIRA, 2009, p.69).
The approach applied in this work is mesoanalysis. Lima (1992, p.7) explains that the mesoapproach
favors the study and understanding of elements “(...) resulting from macro and micro approaches”
enabling “(...) an articulation between the different levels of analysis (macro, meso, micro). In this
sense, Magalhães (2007) points out that the relationship between educational institutions and the
community goes through this approach, in which there is a crossover between the spheres of macro,
meso and micro history.
Placido, interpreting Nóvoa's thinking, elucidates that
[...] the school institution, although subject to a set of State laws placed above and as
regulators of the school itself, is endowed with its own structure and language that
allows it to be more than a space for mechanical or systematizing reproduction of
societys thoughts.
(NÓVOA, 2014, p.32)
According to Nóvoa (1999), this perception of the school allows us to understand that it imposes
itself as an institution constituted by relative autonomy, as an intermediate territory that goes
beyond simply reproducing a macro system's values and norms, not perceived as just a micro universe
(NÓVOA, 1999, p.20).
Thus, the proposed research starts from a macro contextualization of national policies and the PTE
history, while it works with the reality of each of the institutions to be researched and their relations with
the local society in the micro aspect. The meso approach will be based on Nóvoa (1999); Magalhães
(2004, 2007) and Lima (1992).
Having the definition of the methodological approach, it is necessary to define the research sources
with the science of its scope, nuances and suggestiveness. Understanding that memory can be perceived
and analyzed by various elements, such as the reports of those who are and work in the institution,
whether those who lived a certain time or situation, by photos, objects, architecture, the culture of a
certain community, records from everyday life, among other possibilities; all these elements can be
considered in the process of identifying the overview of PTE school institutions in Santa Catarina, which
is the focus of the research.
The researcher who considers the totality of sources (the different sources that involve a research
object, making the necessary analysis clippings) and the totality that involves the sources (the economic
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political, social, educational, cultural etc. of the particular, singular, general and
universal), walks with firm steps towards the explanation of the movement of the
real, that is, of the studied institution
(TURMENA, 2014, p.33)
Documentary research is considered a safe source as basis for several studies (LÜDKE; ANDRÉ,
2013), because, depending on their intent, each researcher can analyze the documents with different
perspectives and objectives. Amorim states that “[...] for professionals who work with memory, the
archive offers itself as a laboratory where the bases for their research are found” (2000, p.90).
Therefore, the researcher may choose to read the documents and retrieve aspects that meet his objective
and purpose of study. In this sense, Magalhães points out the importance of the archive in the
construction of the
[...] history of an educational institution, and points out that: as a memory, the archive
basically documents what has been lived, giving it meaning; but as an image of
reality, the archive is a frame, so it refers to action, enabling its reification. This
critical and integrated approach gives the archive the main importance in the
development of an updated rationality, which allows, regarding the construction of
the past, to think about education with history
(MAGALHÃES, 2007, p. 74)
The author also points out that the archive has a memorial purpose in its creation, but assumes a
characteristic of reconstitution in a historical approach, as it is “[...] in the form of variables and
specific informational records that the data existing in a given archive becomes part of the
historiographical narrative” (MAGALHÃES, 2007, p.74).
With the clarity of all these categorizations and possibilities, it is understood that the research that
reflects the institutions memory should occur with a better perception and accuracy. Consequently, it
is intended that the research is carried out by analyzing the educational practices in progress or
registered, the documents of the PTE institutions, as well as possible student documents, minutes,
photos, regulations, plans and other documents that may be part of the process of building and
reporting the institution's memory during the research.
The historical and sociocultural dimension is of paramount importance in the investigation suggested
here, due to the theoretical-conceptual and methodological context already exposed. Julia (2001)
suggests that, for researchers in the memory of education, sources can be found if we have the tenacity
to go look for them, and that this is a particularly interesting way of concerning with the analysis of
the contents taught and of school practices” (JULIA, 2001, p.19). In this sense, after mapping and
selecting the sources, content analysis will be adopted as a procedure for analyzing the information,
which is a research technique that works with the word, allowing the production of inferences from the
content of the communication of a text in a practical and objective way, being replicated in their social
context(CAREGNATO & MUTTI, 2006, p.682).
In this research, content analysis will be used, based on Bardins units of analysis. Thus, when
proposing the use of content analysis, we aim at a method for interpreting documents to avoid a
superficial reading. A reading of the sources supported by the bibliographical research that
accompanies the analyses is intended. According to Bardin, content analysis methods aim to:
[...] the overcoming of uncertainty: what I think I see in the message is actually
contained, but can this very personal vision be shared by others? - and the
enrichment of reading: if an immediate, spontaneous look is already fruitful, can't a
careful reading increase productivity and relevance? (...) what is sought to
demonstrate regarding the messages or by clarifying elements of meanings that could
lead to a description of mechanisms that we did not have a prior understanding of [...]
(BARDIN, 1977, p.29)
Once the choice of analysis method has been conceptualized and explained, we will continue with
the steps and names created by Bardin, Content, Reto, and Paulo (1977), in which three stages or “[...]
three chronological poles [...]” (BARDIN, 1977, p.95), are established for content analysis: 1) pre-
analysis; 2) material analysis; 3) treatment of results, inference and interpretation.
In this sense, as it is a qualitative research, content analysis also allows us to infer the perception of
presence or absence of any registration unit, and absences can be as significant (or more) than
presences, being also applied on several reduced sources (Bardin et al., 1977). According to Bardin, it
is necessary
[...] establish more discriminating categories, as it is not linked, as a quantitative
analysis, to categories that give rise to sufficiently high frequencies so that
calculations become possible. It raises problems in terms of the relevance of retained
indices, as it selects these indexes without exhaustively dealing with all the content,
with the danger of important elements being left out, or of non-significant elements
being considered
(BARDIN, 1977, p.115)
Bardin et al. (1977) still emphasizes the importance of establishing relationships with the context of
the analyzed source production, such as the conditions of production, who speaks, to whom and in what
circumstances, among others. In this research, the analysis will proceed with previously defined
categories while maintaining the possibility of adding new categories or altering them through the
analysis of the material found. Initially, the following categories of analysis are proposed: work,
technological education, development, local productive arrangement, history, memory, and educational
In order to analyze the categories related to the daily activities of PTE institutions, and to understand
the relationships of these institutions with the territory that hosts them and their social and historical
intervention, in dialogue and action with other agents and organizations, it is necessary to review the
literature on the experience of PTE education in Brazil and Santa Catarina, the search and selection of
documents dealing with educational memory and practices, carrying out individual fieldwork and with
the research group, and the consequent disclosure of the results.
As a final step, it is possible to propose the construction, application and evaluation of an
educational product conceived as a Virtual Memorial, containing the result of the work carried out with
documents and interviews, aiming at being a space for teaching institutional history and, consequently,
the PTE history in Santa Catarina, in addition to preserving memory.
Final considerations
LEME will propose to create a virtual PTE memorial that will be a device or equipment to
understand educational practices and the impacts that institutions of this nature produce in the dialogue
with the territory in which they are present, through the identification, retrieval and production of
stories, memories and PTE in Santa Catarina.
PTE institutions produce impacts through dialogue with different sectors and actors in the territories
where they are located. This dialogue occurs through the specific educational practices of these spaces,
their interaction with the local productive order and their relationship with the social and cultural
arrangements, characteristic of each community. Therefore, when it comes to history in this project, it
does not refer to a linear and periodized history, but to stories, from a cultural perspective. Moreover,
memory stands out, as it is found in everyday practices and is the living movement itself, which feeds
documents, regardless of what these documents are, the history and the possibilities of analysis.
In this sense, understanding the impacts that the studied institutions produce in the dialogue with the
territory where they are present allows the retrieval and production of PTE stories and memories in
Santa Catarina, in addition to building a virtual memorial that is effective as a space for identification.
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